Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Intermittent 002 Fatal Error on Dell PC

This issue occurs with Dell computers printing via the network connection only. When the customer sends a print job the customer receives an intermittent fatal error 002. The Dell Network Setup Assistant software may be causeing the issue by randomly sending empty packets to the printer.
In order to resolve the issue you must uninstall the Dell Network Setup Assistant. This should resolve the issue until Dell works on a fix for it.

To uninstall:

Go to EITHER: Start | Settings | Control Panel
OR: Start | Control Panel, depending on what your Start menu looks like.
Windows 2000/XP only: Click "Switch to Classic View" (if necessary - if it says 'Switch to Category View' it is already in Classic View). Double click on "Add Or Remove Programs" and look for "Dell Network Assistant". Click on it once to highlight it and then click Remove. Reboot if you are asked to do so.
Windows Vista only: Click "Classic View". Double click on "Programs and Features" and look for "Dell Network Assistant". Click on it once to highlight it and then click Uninstall or Uninstall/Change. Reboot if you are asked to do so.

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